In addition to memory care services, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living, and independent living, there is a broad continuum of care for seniors that can be accessed to tailor the right fit for each individual or resident. Working with a senior living consultant can help individuals and families identify what is right for them as well as help assisted living managers and senior living managers expand or adjust their facility offerings.
Reach out to a senior living consultant today to learn about these additional care options. We work with a nationwide team, can supplement our core team and as needed team members, such as nursing consultants available nationwide. Our team has experience in the following:
- Adult Day Care – Senior Living Consultants provide this service for a variety of medical models. Additionally, most states have Medicaid reimbursement for adult day care services that affords an added opportunity that depends on the location and the state program(s), which are assessed in a market analysis.
- Home Health Care – Existing agencies as well as many senior living managers utilize our Senior Living Business Plan Services for Home Health Care. Our Senior Living Consultants assess the market opportunity, take the lead in your licensing application and much more in a comprehensive approach to expand or start up services.
- Sub-Acute Care – Our Long Term Care Consultants are adept to providing business plan options for this skilled care. The regulations for sub-acute care vary from state to state. Typically, sub-acute care is a hybrid of long-term care, short-term rehabilitation, and acute care. Most often, depending on the state, sub-acute care units are located within hospitals and offer short-term care or more intensive long-term care than SNF, such as ventilator units or complex wound care.
- Rehabilitation Centers – Rehabilitation takes many forms and is available under many settings including Acute Care Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Stand-Alone Rehabilitation Centers and sometimes in an Assisted Living Facility. Our Senior Living Consultants can help our clients establish rehabilitation centers within all settings within the continuum of care.
Ask us for more information on a service or facility you are operating or considering to establishing.